Learn About PHP Settings & How To Use It Via The Shared Web Hosting Control Panel

Quick Intro

The PHP Settings tab is an all-in-one solution for your domain's PHP needs. You can change your PHP Version for each domain individually and manage all the server-level PHP settings, such as php_memory, max_upload, and more.

Important To Know Before You Begin

Each domain attached to your Web Control Panel, including Subdomains can be set with their own individual PHP Versions and settings.

All the available PHP Versions you can find via Web Control Panel > Development Tools > Under the PHP Version tab.

The PHP Version can significantly impact your website performance and behavior. We also believe that supporting old, unsupported PHP versions makes no sense, so we offer only the most secure and stable versions available from PHP Engine Developers.

We don't recommend using the latest PHP Version available. Sticking the most stable one, which goes before the latest version, is better.

Accessing PHP Settings

From your Web Control Panel navigate to: Development Tools > PHP Settings.

Managing PHP Settings

Web Host Most lets you manage your PHP Settings on the server level to give you as much control and functionality as possible.

To start managing your PHP Settings, select the correct PHP Version for the domain you are working with.

From your Web Control Panel navigate to Development Tools > PHP Settings > Add New Override > Select from the drop-down menu any available PHP Option and set it to your needed settings > Click Add.

If you do not set up PHP Settings, the default server settings will be applied.

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